Gift box

If you need a gift box, please purchase it on this page. We will put your order in an original box and deliver it with a bag with ribbon. You can choose the color of the ribbon from ‘Male’ or ‘Female’.

When purchasing multiple items, please select either ‘Individually’, which puts each item in a separate box, or ‘Together’, which puts all of them in one box. If you choose “Individually”, please order as many as you need. The price is for one box. Even if you select ‘Together’ it may be divided into multiple boxes depending on the quantity. In this case, there is no extra charge. There are two types of boxes, one is for 1-2 T-shirts, and another is for 2-3 T-shirts.

Tenugui will always be delivered in a box, even if a gift box is not specified, so no need to buy a gift box for a Tenugui. Tenugui box is different from the picture above, please confirm that on tenugui page.

if you have a request that is not an option, such as changing the color of the ribbon depending on the product, please use the Notes column on order screen. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Please kindly understand that decoration of photo above is just image. Paper cushion is not included. Packing with paper and Message card service are not available.

Retail Price
Stock Status
In Stock

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